Titus FastFit is a solution for factory insertion of cams and dowels that promises to reduce the time needed to assemble a cabinet carcass at home by 50%.
With the Lama FastFit machine, the standard Titus cam and Quickfit TL dowel can be inserted in furniture sides in the factory – pre-inserted connectors considerably shorten the time needed to assemble furniture with less parts, meaning an easier assembly procedure and less risk of missing parts.
The Titus FastFit solution comprises Titus cam, Quickfit TL dowel and the Lama FastFit machine.
According to Titus, the Quickfit TL dowel is the only connector on the market allowing for factory insertion. Due to its specific shape, it remains securely in the hole during transport. Its self-adjustment feature provides an edge-to-hole-centre tolerance of +/-1mm, which helps overcome drilling inaccuracies.The ‘2 o’clock lock’ feature enables the smooth, confident and consumer-friendly tightening of the cam.
The Lama FastFit machine used for automated insertion of cams and dowels works with standard furniture boards. The machinery is of standard modular construction and can be fully integrated into the existing panel processing lines or used on a standalone basis. Consequently, installation can be highly flexible and tailored to specific customer needs in terms of type of connectors to be inserted, panel sizes and throughput rates.
The technology for factory insertion of cams and dowels, the Lama FastFit machine, has been designed by Titus Technologies, a division of Titus Group that specialises in the design and production of automated assembly machines, die-casting machines and tools.
Titus FastFit is result of Titus’ CAF (Consumer Assembly Friendliness) philosophy, within which Titus provides furniture connector solutions that facilitate home assembly of furniture with less parts, less different parts and less actions to assemble. While offering advantages to furniture consumers, there are obvious advantages for furniture manufacturers too – the buying, counting, stocking and bagging of fittings can be greatly reduced.
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